n.(名词)An eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree(Ceratonia siliqua) in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and large, dark, leathery pods. 角豆树:地中海东部地区一种豆科常青乔木(长角豆 长角豆属) ,有羽状复叶和黑色坚韧的大豆荚 The pod of this plant, containing a sweet edible pulp and seeds that yield a gum used as a stabilizer in food products.Also called algarroba 角豆荚:角豆植物的豆荚,内含味甜可食的肉质部分以及种子,它们产生出一种胶,可用于食品中做稳定剂也作 algarrobaAn edible powder or flour made from the ground seeds and pods of this plant, often used as a substitute for chocolate.角豆粉:一种可食的粉状物质,用角豆树的种子和角豆荚磨制而成,常用作巧克力的替代品
来源:Middle English carabe 中古英语 carabe from Old French carobe 源自 古法语 carobe from Medieval Latin carrôbium 源自 中世纪拉丁语 carrôbium from Arabic Carrôbah 源自 阿拉伯语 Carrôbah