n.(名词)A generally green or black secondary mineral, (Mg,Fe,Al)'(Si,Al) 4O 0(OH) 8, often formed by metamorphic alteration of primary dark rock minerals, that appears as a spot of green and resembles mica. 绿泥石:一种常由最初为黑色的矿物质经过变质的变化而形成的通常为绿色或黑色的次生矿物,(Mg,Fe,Al)'(Si,Al) 4O 0(OH) 8,看上去象绿色的斑点及云母
来源:Latin chlôrotis [a green precious stone] 拉丁语 chlôrotis [绿色的宝石] from Greek khlôritis 源自 希腊语 khlôritis from khlôros [green] * see ghel- 2源自 khlôros [绿色] *参见 ghel- 2
chlorite 2
n.(名词)The inorganic group ClO2 or a salt containing it. 亚氯酸盐:无机原子团 ClO2或含它的一种盐