adj.(形容词)Of or expressing a consensus:一致同意的:一致同意的或表示一致同意的:例句:a consensual decision.一致同意的决定
Law Existing or entered into by mutual consent without formalization by document or ceremony:【法律】 两相情愿的:未经文件或手续上的格式化而是由双方同意所产生或达成的:例句:a consensual marriage; a consensual contract.双方同意的婚姻;双方达成的协议
Involving the willing participation of both or all parties, especially in an illegal transaction or practice:自愿参与的:双方或所有各方都自愿参与的,尤指在非法交易或行为中:例句:the consensual crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and illegal gambling.卖淫、吸毒及非法赌博等放任犯罪
Physiology 【生理学】 Of or relating to a reflexive response of one body structure following stimulation of another, such as the concurrent constriction of one pupil in response to light shined in the other.同感的:一部分身体结构因另一部分受到刺激而产生本能反应的或与这种同感本能反应相关的,如当光线射在一个瞳孔上另一个瞳孔会同时收缩Of or relating to involuntary movement of a body part accompanying voluntary movement of another.交感的:与身体一部位的自觉运动相伴随的另一部位的不自觉运动的,或与之相关的