n.(名词)One who forms and expresses judgments of the merits, faults, value, or truth of a matter.评论家:形成并表达对某一事物的优点、错误、价值或真实性的判断的人Abbr. crit.One who specializes especially professionally in the evaluation and appreciation of literary or artistic works:缩写 crit.文学评论家:特指专门以对文学或艺术作品的评价或鉴赏为职业的人:例句:a film critic; a dance critic.电影评论家;舞蹈鉴赏家
One who tends to make harsh or carping judgments; a faultfinder.爱挑剔的人:习惯于作出严厉的或挑剔评价的人;吹毛求疵者
来源:Latin criticus 拉丁语 criticus from Greek kritikos [able to discern] 源自 希腊语 kritikos [能辨明的] from kritôs [judge] 源自 kritôs [判断] from krinein [to separate, judge] * see krei- 源自 krinein [区分,判断] *参见 krei-