n.(名词)A representative or an example of a class or type:典型:一类或一群的代表或范例:例句:.He is seen . . . as the epitome of the hawkish, right-of-center intellectual.(Paul Kennedy).他被看作是鹰派的自我为中心的知识分子的典型.(保罗·肯尼迪)
A brief summary, as of a book or an article; an abstract.梗概:一本书或一篇文章的大致总结;摘要
来源:Latin epitomô [a summary] 拉丁语 epitomô [总结] from Greek [an abridgment] 源自 希腊语 [缩写本] from epitemnein [to cut short] 源自 epitemnein [缩短] epi- [epi-] epi- [前缀,表.在…前.] temnein [to cut] * see tem- temnein [切] *参见 tem-