【复数】 fu.mi.to.ries
An herb(Fumaria officinalis) native to Eurasia, having finely divided leaves and small, spurred, purplish flowers. Also called earth smoke
延胡索:一种原产于欧亚大陆的草本植物(蓝堇 蓝堇属) ,长着错落有致的叶子和开带刺的紫色小花 也作 earth smoke
Middle English fumetere
中古英语 fumetere
from Old French fumeterre
源自 古法语 fumeterre
from Medieval Latin fômus terrae
源自 中世纪拉丁语 fômus terrae
Latin fômus [smoke]
拉丁语 fômus [烟雾]
Latin terrae [genitive of] terra [dry land, earth] * see ters-
拉丁语 terrae [] terra的所有格 [干地,土地] *参见 ters-