n.(名词)A light, two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse.轻便双轮马车:由一匹马拉的双轮轻便马车Nautical 【航海】 A long, light ship`s boat, usually reserved for use by the ship`s captain.赛艇,快艇:一种很长的轻便艇,通常供船长使用A fast, light rowboat.轻快的划艇
An object that whirls.旋转的物体Games A three-digit selection in a numbers game.【游戏】 三位数抽彩:数字游戏中的3位数选择游戏v.intr.(不及物动词)gigged,gig.ging,gigs To ride in a gig.乘轻便马车或快艇
来源:Perhaps from obsolete gig [spinning top] 可能源自 废语 gig [旋转的最高点] from Middle English gyg- 源自 中古英语 gyg- possibly of Scandinavian origin 可能为 斯堪的纳维亚语源
gig 2
n.(名词)An arrangement of barbless hooks that is dragged through a school of fish to hook them in their bodies.鱼叉,排钩:用无倒钩的挂钩拖过鱼群以使鱼钩钩住鱼体的一种装置A pronged spear for fishing or catching frogs.鱼叉:用来捕鱼或抓青蛙的有尖头的梭v.(动词)gigged,gig.ging,gigs及物动词)To fish for or catch with a gig.用鱼叉捕或抓鱼v.intr.(不及物动词)To catch a fish or frog with a gig.用鱼叉抓鱼或青蛙
来源:Short for fishgig fishgig的简写
gig 3
n.(名词)A demerit given in the military.记过:军队里的记过及物动词)gigged,gig.ging,gigs To give a military demerit to.记军事处分
来源:[Origin unknown] [不明词源]
gig 4
n.(名词)A job, especially a booking for musicians.演奏爵士乐的职业:一种工作,尤指预约音乐家v.intr.(不及物动词)gigged,gig.ging,gigs To work as a musician:从事爵士乐师的工作:例句:.gigging weekends as a piano player in the ski joints.(Joel Oppenheimer).在滑雪场所象钢琴演奏家一样度过周末.(乔尔·奥本海默)
来源:[Origin unknown] [出处不明]