NONE(无词性)A ruined city of south-central India west of Hyderabad. Capital of an ancient kingdom (c. 3'4-52), it was later one of the five Moslem kingdoms of the Deccan until its capture by Aurangzeb`s forces in '87. Golconda was once known for the diamonds found nearby and cut in the city.戈尔康达:在印度中南部,海得拉巴西部的一座荒废的城市。曾是一个古代王国的首都,它后来成为德干地区五个穆斯林王国之一,直到'87年被奥朗则布的军队攻占。曾以出产金刚石著名
Golconda 2
n.(名词)A source of great riches, such as a mine.大财源,如矿藏
来源:After Golconda 源自 Golconda