n.(名词)An excavation for the interment of a corpse.坟墓:用于埋葬尸体的地穴A place of burial.坟地Death or extinction:死亡或灭绝:例句:faced the grave with calm resignation.视死如归
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English grôf * see ghrebh- 2源自 古英语 grôf *参见 ghrebh- 2
grave 2
adj.(形容词),grav.est Requiring serious thought; momentous:重大的:需要严肃思考的;重大的:例句:a grave decision in a time of crisis.危机时期的重大决定
Fraught with danger or harm:危害的:充满危险或损害的:例句:a grave wound.严重的创伤
Dignified and somber in conduct or character:庄严的,庄重的:行为或性格上端庄或沉稳的:例句:a grave procession.See Synonyms at serious 庄严行进的队伍参见 serious
Somber or dark in hue.颜色灰暗的,昏暗的also [grôv] Linguistics 也作 [grôv] 【语言学】 Written with or modified by the mark (`), as the è inSèvres. 标以重音的:用标记(`)书写或修饰的,如在Sèvres 中的è Of or referring to a phonetic feature that distinguishes sounds produced at the periphery of the vocal tract, as in labial and velar consonants and back vowels.抑音的:属于或关于一种语系特征的,可通过在元音带外缘产生的声音区别, 如在唇音、软腭辅音和后元音里n.(名词)
A mark (`) indicating a pronouncede for the sake of meter in the usually nonsyllabic ending -ed in English poetry. 抑音符:一个标识(`),在英语诗歌中通常非重音音节结尾的-ed 的音步需发 e 的标记
来源:French 法语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin gravis * see g wer…- 源自 拉丁语 gravis *参见 g wer…-
grave 3及物动词)graved,grav.en[gr3.v…n] 或 graved,graves To sculpt or carve; engrave.雕塑或雕刻;雕刻To stamp or impress deeply; fix permanently.铭记,使留下深刻印象:深深地印上或留下印象;永久地固定
来源:Middle English graven 中古英语 graven from Old English grafan * see ghrebh- 2源自 古英语 grafan *参见 ghrebh- 2
grave 4及物动词)graved,,graves To clean and coat (the bottom of a wooden ship) with pitch.清理并用沥青涂覆(在木制船的底部)
来源:Middle English graven 中古英语 graven
grave 5
adv.(副词)adj.Music (形容词)【音乐】 In a slow and solemn manner. Used chiefly as a direction.缓和庄严地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示
来源:Italian 意大利语 from Latin gravis [heavy] * see grave 2源自 拉丁语 gravis [沉重的] *参见 grave2