GreenwichNONE(无词性)[grμ, grn.j] A borough of Greater London in southeast England on the Thames River. It is the site of the original Royal Observatory, through which passes the prime meridian, or longitude 0=.[grμ, grn.j] 格林威治:英格兰东南部的一个市镇,位于大伦敦地区,在泰晤士河上,为原皇家观象台所在地。本初子午线即0°经线穿过此地[grμ, grn.-, grôn.wch.] A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound near the New York border. Settled in '40, it is mainly residential. Population, 58,44.[grμ, grn.-, grôn.wch.] 格林威治:美国康涅狄格州西南部长岛湾边的城市,靠近纽约州边界。始建于'40年, 现主要为居民区。人口58,44