v.tr.(及物动词)ham.pered,ham.per.ing,ham.pers To prevent the free movement, action, or progress of.妨碍,阻碍:妨碍自由运动、行动或进展n.Nautical (名词)【航海】 Necessary but encumbering equipment on a ship.船上必需的但是累赘的设备
来源:Middle English hamperen 中古英语 hamperen
<参考词汇><同义词>hamper,fetter,handcuff,hobble,hog-tie,manacle,shackle,trammel同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to restrict the activity or free movement of.: 这些动词所共有的一层中心意思是.限制…的活动或自由行动.: 例句:a swimmer hampered by clothing;被衣服妨碍的游泳者;
例句:prisoners fettered by chains;被铁链禁锢的囚徒;
例句:handcuffed by rigid regulations;被严格的规章制度束缚着;
例句:hobbled by responsibilities;被责任拴住了手脚;
例句:an aspiring leadership that refused to be hog-tied;有抱负的领导拒绝被缚住手脚;
例句:imagination manacled by fear;幻想被恐惧所压制;
例句:shackled by custom;受习惯束缚;
例句:trammeled by debts. See also Synonyms at hinder 债务缠身 参见同义词 hinder
hamper 2
n.(名词)A large basket, usually with a cover.大的、通常有盖的篮子
来源:Middle English 中古英语 alteration of Anglo-Norman hanaper 英法语 hanaper的变化 from Old French hanepier [a case for holding goblets] 源自 古法语 hanepier [放酒杯的柜子] from hanap [goblet] 源自 hanap [酒杯;高脚酒杯] [of Germanic origin] [来源于日耳曼语]