v.(动词)ob.served,ob.serv.ing,ob.serves v.tr.(及物动词)To be or become aware of, especially through careful and directed attention; notice.注意,觉察:觉察到,尤其是通过仔细和直接的注意;注意To watch attentively:观察:聚精会神地看:例句:observe a child`s behavior.观察一个孩子的行为
To make a systematic or scientific observation of:观测:对…作系统的或科学的观察:例句:observe the orbit of the moon.观测月球的轨道
To say casually; remark.评论:随便地说;发表意见To adhere to or abide by:遵守:遵守或服从:例句:observe the terms of a contract.遵守合同的条款
To keep or celebrate (a holiday, for example):庆祝:保留或庆祝(如,节日):例句:observe an anniversary.庆祝周年纪念日
v.intr.(不及物动词)To take notice.观察To say something; make a comment or remark.评论:说;评价或发表意见To watch or be present without participating actively:看:观看或出席而不积极参与:例句:We were invited to the conference solely to observe.我们被邀请,不过只是出席会议而已
来源:Middle English observen [to conform to] 中古英语 observen [与…一致] from Old French observer 源自 古法语 observer from Latin observ3re [to abide by, watch] 源自 拉丁语 observ3re [遵守,看] ob- [over] * see ob- ob- [在…上] *参见 ob-serv3re [to keep, watch] * see ser- serv3re [保留,看] *参见 ser-
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>observe,keep,celebrate,commemorate,solemnize同义词>These verbs are compared as they mean to give proper heed to or show proper reverence for something, such as a rule, custom, or holiday.当这些动词都表示给予一定注意或对某些事物,如对规定、习惯、或节日表一定尊敬时。 Observe stresses respectful adherence,as to law or tradition,often in the form of compliance with prescribed rites: Observe 强调尊敬性的遵从,如对于法律或传统,常常以遵守规定的礼仪仪式为形式: 例句:observe the speed limit;遵守速度限制;
例句:observe the Sabbath.信守安息日。
Keep contrasts withbreak and violate; it implies actions such as the discharge of a duty or the fulfillment of a promise: Keep 相对于break 和 violate; 它暗含有如未尽职责或没有实现诺言等行为: 例句:He said he would help, and he kept his word.他说过要帮忙的,他兑现了。
Celebrate in this comparison emphasizes observance in the form of rejoicing or festivity: Celebrate 在这项比较上强调以欢乐或喜庆形式的遵从: 例句:We are planning a surprise party to celebrate her birthday. Tocommemorate is to honor the memory of a past event; 我们正为他的生日而准备着一个惊奇的派对。 而commemorate 是对过去的事件的记忆的尊敬;
solemnize implies dignity and gravity in the celebration of an occasion: solemnize 暗含某一庆祝场面的庄重和严肃: 例句:.It [July 2, 77'] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance . . . It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade . . .from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore. (John Adams).See also Synonyms at see .它[77'年7月2日] 应作为诞生之日来纪念…… 应用壮观的典礼和游行来隆重庆祝……从这片大陆的这头到那头,从此时到永远. (约翰·亚当斯)参见同义词 see