pickax 或 pick.axe
n.(名词)A pick, especially with one end of the head pointed and the other end with a chisel edge for cutting through roots.鹤嘴锄,丁字镐:一种鹤嘴锄,尤指一头尖而另一头有可割断根的凿边v.(动词)pick.axed,pick.ax.ing,pick.ax.es v.intr.(不及物动词)To use a pickax.用丁字镐v.tr.(及物动词)To use a pickax on.用丁字镐挖
来源:Middle English picax 中古英语 picax alteration influenced by ax [ax] 受 ax的影响 [斧子] of picas picas的变化 from Old French picois from pic [pick] 源自 古法语 picois 源自 pic [鹤嘴锄] and from Medieval Latin pocôsa 并源自 中世纪拉丁语 pocôsa both probably from Latin pocus [woodpecker] 都可能源自 拉丁语 pocus [啄木鸟]