A native or inhabitant of New England.
A native or inhabitant of a northern U.S. state, especially a Union soldier during the Civil War.
A native or inhabitant of the United States.
[Origin unknown]
<注释>Yankee is an excellent example of a widely known word whose origins cannot be determined. The best hypothesis is thatYankee comes from Dutch Janke, a nickname forJan, .John.. Evidence can be found in theOxford English Dictionary that the forms Yankey, Yanky, and Yankee were used as surnames or nicknames in the 7th century. The wordYankee is first found in one of our modern senses in 758, the sense being .a New Englander.. The 7th-century nickname forJan was derisive, and the first instances of our word show the term being used derisively by the British for New Englanders.After the Battle of Lexington (775) New Englanders dignified the name.The British were responsible for application of the term to all Americans (a use first recorded around 784);and Southerners, for application of the term to Northerners (first recorded in 87).
Yankee 是一个广为人知但来源不明的单词的极好例证。 最好的假设是Yankee 来自于荷兰语 Janke, 是Jan .约翰.的浑名。 从《牛津英语字典》 可以找到证据证明 Yankey,Yanky 和 Yankee 这些形式在7世纪曾被用作姓氏或浑名。 Yankee 一词的第一个现代意义出现于758年,即.新英格兰人.。 7世纪Jan 的浑名含有嘲弄意味, 该词的第一例用法也说明英国人用它来嘲弄新英格兰人。在莱克星顿战役(775年)后,新英格兰人赋于了它尊严与荣誉。英国人用该词来指称所有美国人(首次出现于784年);美国南方人则用它指称北方人(首次出现于87年)