energy change造句
1、Hess 'Law states that for any chemicalsanaa造句
1、I think everybody in Sanaa was reallydepressed造句
1、They found her walking alone and deprehalf-truth造句
1、"I'm just going to work now," I muttermatchmaking造句
1、Real-time inventory tracking made thisgastroenteritis造句
1、Because he doesn't get mad often, he'sacross-the-board造句
1、Instead of across-the-board rules, thereconsider造句
1、Ping An is widely expected to reconsidbelladonna造句
1、Belladonna and other poison plants havcricketing造句
1、He was popular as much for his personaganglia造句
1、The first method has been the common psignifier造句
1、Doesn't that have to do with the signiround-the-world造句
1、John took a round-the-world trip at hicrises造句
1、They've headed off several crises sincrote造句
1、It may be true that rote learning is orote learning造句
1、Rote learning can be practiced in parthebrews造句
1、These angels,the Hebrews believed,wereunderpin造句
1、This section explores the concepts thaviolin bow造句
1、HE red violin bow horns against high tcredit management造句
1、In addition, on the establishment of a