1、His father was a baronet and Comptroller of the Royal laboratory at Greenwich.
2、For example, we have the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
3、He is looking toward the Supreme Court and State Comptroller for help.
n. 审计官【经】 主计, 会计师, 审计 详情0
1、Yet Luanda is one of the world's trickgelatinization造句
1、Results show that lily starch had lowextradite造句
1、The only problem we have is where to ebiannual造句
1、They are denied job security trainingmain line造句
1、CPU and motherboard, main line and confishing line造句
1、The fishing line is made of gut.钓鱼线是用肠in the final analysis造句
1、In the final analysis the point of theweather pattern造句
1、And the microbe and weather pattern westeelyard造句
1、A steelyard is small but it carries adrowning造句
1、A drowning man will clutch at a floatipollen count造句
1、Hay fever sufferers have a worse timecoal-bed造句
1、Coal-bed methane accounts for about 2%dirty tricks造句
1、He claimed he was the victim of a dirtpage break造句
1、In one version of a well-used browser,jet plane造句
1、As the jet plane rushed through the aiapproximately造句
1、The results are approximately consistebelling造句
1、I am leaving for Belling on a four-daydesperately造句
1、I desperately tried to fit in my new sgazetteer造句
1、Gazetteer Circumpolar in fresh water.在involved造句
1、Her daily life involved meeting lots o