1、Other banlieues north of Paris and in Toulouse saw car-burnings.
2、The Toulouse diligence tears us from the abyss, and the abyss is you, O our little beauties!
去图卢兹的公共客车已把我们从陷阱中拔了出来。 陷阱,就是你们,呵,我们美丽的小姑娘!
3、The Vikings also attacked Rouen, Nantes, Toulouse and Bordeaux, and laid siege to Paris.
4、Paris, Nantes, Bordeaux, Toulouse and Marseille.
5、The hope is that final assembly in Toulouse can restart in mid-August.
只能寄望于 图卢兹的总装配线在八月中旬可以重新恢复。

1、Mentality as a pass type indicator心态作为believe造句
1、Don't believe in an interventionist Golombardy造句
1、It was almost excluded in Lombardy toosids造句
1、At the moment, nobody knows if SIDS bablue-collar造句
1、He is rapidly losing the support of blpresley造句
1、Critics also sniped that Presley was nsatisfactory造句
1、The arrangement was satisfactory to bocurriculum造句
1、If that's the case, then we'd better tfurred造句
1、I saw his body, so immeasurably vital,typify造句
1、Rather, speculation, conflicts, and thpiscine造句
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1、Did you have to pay customs duty on thfacet造句
1、The control specimens were taken frompromontory造句
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1、There's a substantial divergence of opvertical component造句
1、Musical Entity Recognition is a verticdowngrade造句
1、I don't think the likelihood of a downunreconciled造句
1、Question one: do you think there are uunwise造句
1、It is unwise to count on a person whoinfrared ray造句
1、Utilizes far infrared ray electrotherm