1、You hated them because of their detestable practices, their sorcery and unholy worship.
因为他们操行巫术和 * 的祭祀,作出了最可憎恶的事。
2、The mysteries practised among men are unholy mysteries.
3、"This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming with an almost unholy relish.
“这应该很好玩。”他对阿历克斯说,眼睛里流露出一种近乎 * 的乐趣。
4、Unholy Blight: Will no longer cause spell pushback.
* 虫群:不再造成施法推迟效果。
5、It is unholy — take not thy gifts through its unclean hands.
6、Unholy Blight no longer causes Blood Plague, but had its cooldown removed.
* 虫群不在造成血疫效果,但同时冷却时间移除。
7、His was no ordinary failure, and he leaves not just an unholy mess but also some genuine mysteries.
8、How can I as an unholy human being live with holy God?
9、She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess.
10、The economy is still an unholy mess.
11、Took unholy risks to win the downhill race.
12、I close my eyes slowly, wondering what kind of unholy deal they've struck in the night.
我慢慢地闭上眼睛,琢磨他们在夜里达成了什么样的 * 交易。
13、They can be used as if they were a Blood, Frost, or Unholy rune.
14、People who pontificate are usually unholy bores.
以命令的口气说话的人通常都是 * 的无赖。
15、Unholy has always had a strong niche with diseases, magic, and command over pets.
* 总是有着强大的疾病、魔法并可以控制宠物。
16、Art shouldn't enter an unholy alliance with business.
17、carry on war against the unholy trinity of poverty, illiteracy, and disease
向贫穷、文盲、疾病这 * 的三位一体开战
a. 不神圣的, 不虔诚的, * 的