n.(名词)A statement of an amount owed for food and drink; a check.帐单:食物或饮料的一笔欠帐的字据;帐单A short letter; a note.一封短信;便条A Brownie point:称赞:因品行良好而获的称赞:例句:earned vital chits with his party by making fundraising speeches.因作筹集资金的演讲而获得他所在政党的高度称赞
来源:Obsolete chitty 废语 chitty from Hindi ciúúho [note, letter] 源自 印地语 ciúúho [便条,信] from Sanskrit *citrik3, .citrit3 [note] 源自 梵文 *citrik3, ·citrit3 [便条]
chit 2
n.(名词)A child.小孩A saucy girl or young woman.冒失莽撞的少女或少妇
来源:Middle English [young animal] 中古英语 [年幼的动物]