de.plete及物动词)de.plet.ed,,de.pletes To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out.消灭,用光:降低…的充满度;用完或用光
来源:Latin dôplôre dôplôt- [to empty] 拉丁语 dôplôre dôplôt- [消耗完,倒空] dô- [de-] dô- [前缀,表.转移.] plôre [to fill] * see pel…- plôre [填满] *参见 pel…-
adj.(形容词)<参考词汇><同义词>deplete,drain,exhaust,impoverish,enervate同义词>These verbs all mean to weaken severely by removing something essential.这些动词都意味着通过移走基本的东西使严重削弱, Deplete refers to using up gradually and only hints at harmful consequences: Deplete 指逐渐用光,并且仅暗示有害的后果: 例句:I always replenish my food supply before it is depleted.我总是在我的食物吃完之前加以补充。
Drain suggests reduction by gradual drawing off and is stronger in implying harm: Drain 意指通过逐渐消耗而减少,强调危害性: 例句:War often drains a nation`s economy.战争经常耗尽一个国家的经济。
Exhaust stresses reduction to a point of no further usefulness: Exhaust 强调减少到不再有用的地步: 例句:.The resources of civilization are not yet exhausted. (William Ewart Gladstone)..文明的源泉永远不会枯竭. (威廉姆·爱德华·哥莱德斯托恩)。
Impoverish refers to severe reduction of resources or qualities essential to adequate functioning: Impoverish 指资源和性质严重减少到最基本的程度: 例句:.His death has eclipsed the gaiety of nations, and impoverished the public stock of harmless pleasure. (Samuel Johnson)..他的死给全国的欢乐投上阴影,也使公众再也无法享受无害的欢乐. (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。
Enervate refers to weakening or destruction of vitality or strength: Enervate 指活力或力量上的变弱或损伤: 例句:Idleness enervates the will to succeed. 懒惰削弱了成功的决心