adj.(形容词)Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules:迂腐的,学究式的:以狭隘且通常过于注重书本知识和爱卖弄学问为特点的:例句:a pedantic attention to details.学究式地注意细枝末节
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>pedantic,academic,bookish,donnish,scholastic同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .marked by a narrow, often tiresome focus on or display of learning and especially its trivial aspects.: 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是.以过分而偏狭且又令人厌恶地注重或卖弄学问,特别是其琐细方面为特征的.: 例句:a pedantic style of writing;学究式的写作风格;
例句:an academic insistence on precision;一种学院式的苛求精神;
例句:a bookish vocabulary;一种太书卷气的词汇运用;
例句:donnish refinement of speech;学究式的雅语;
例句:scholastic and excessively subtle reasoning. 学究式且过于机巧的推理