Wakame most often refers to Undaria pinnatifida, an edible seaweed.
Edible Japanese seaweed, wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) as an ingredient in pasta: Chemical, functional and structural evaluation
Identification of an antihypertensive peptide from peptic digest of wakame(Undaria pinnatifida)
Effect of Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame) on the development of cerebrovascular diseases in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
Antihypertensive effects of Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) peptide on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Isolation and identification of arseno-lipid from a brown alga, Undariapinnatifida (Wakame)
Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides Derived from Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) and Their Antihypertensive Effect in S...
Bioavailability of nutrients in rats fed on edible seaweeds, Nori ( Porphyra tenera) and Wakame ( Undaria pinnatifida), as a source ...
Frozen storage characteristics of low-salt and low-fat beef patties as affected by Wakame addition and replacing pork backfat with o...
Suetsuna K, Maekawa K, Chen JR. Antihypertensive eff ects of Undaria pinnatifi da (wakame) peptide on blood pressure in spontaneousl...