v.(动词)dab.bled,dab.bling,dab.bles v.tr.(及物动词)To splash or spatter with or as if with a liquid:喷洒:用或好象用液体泼洒、喷溅:例句:.The moon hung over the harbor dabbling the waves with gold.(Katherine Mansfield).月亮悬挂在港湾上空,给波浪上挥洒金光.(凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德)
v.intr.(不及物动词)To splash liquid gently and playfully.嬉水:轻柔嬉耍地泼溅液体To undertake something superficially or without serious intent.涉猎:草率地或者没有严肃目的地做某件事To bob forward and under in shallow water so as to feed off the bottom.在水底觅食:在浅水中向前、向下摆动,以便在底部找到食物
来源:Possibly from Dutch dabbelen [frequentative of] dabben [to strike, tap] 可能源自 荷兰语 dabbelen [] dabben的重复动词 [打,轻拍]